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RealTick Extra Disclaimer

RealTick Extra and the information contained within (collectively, "RealTick Extra") is provided for informational purposes only by RealTick. RealTick Extra is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, any warranties to accuracy, functionality, performance, or merchantability. RealTick makes no representation, warranty or covenant concerning the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of RealTick Extra and the information contained within RealTick Extra. The broker dealer accepts and assumes the entire risk of using RealTick Extra and accepts full responsibility for its use and its employees’ use of RealTick Extra. RealTick shall not be liable or responsible for any inaccurate or incomplete information or for any improper or incorrect use of RealTick Extra. The broker dealer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless RealTick from and against any claims, damages, losses or expenses arising from the provision or use of RealTick Extra regardless of cause or form of action, whether in contract, tort, strict liability, statutory liability or otherwise.